Sunday 3 November 2019

The Overthrowing of Kronus and Birth of Zeus

Nursing of infant Zeus by Amalthea and Melissa

Power is a possession of control or command over others, it gives you authority and supremacy. For the past centuries, power is the most wanted possession that a man wanted to have yet it tends to corrupt minds. They see power as a position or title, which comes with authority and control, and a belief in the form of supremacy over others. Others believe that real power comes from “inside-out.” They maintain that power is the ability of each individual to cultivate by themselves. Real power is increased within a person simply by the choices they make, the actions they take, and the thoughts they create.

                Overthrowing of kings after their reign started in Theogony of Hesiod. For some reason, they can’t accept the fact that their reign is over therefore, they do everything to make their reign continue. They kill and if only they could stop time, they will. They wanted to change what the prophecy written but a prophecy is a prophecy no matter how you wanted to change it, it will only have twist of events yet it will end up the same.

                Kronus is one of those kings who didn’t want to be overthrown and replaced by his own children. Just like Uranus, Kronus did everything he could in order to stay on his throne. A prophecy, predicted by Uranus, decreed Cronus would be overthrown by his son, to prevent this from occurring Cronus swallowed each of his children; Demeter, Hestia, Hera, Hades and Zeus, as they were born. Rhea, his sister and wife, managed to save the youngest, Zeus, by hiding him away on the island of Crete and feeding Cronus a stone swaddled in cloth. When Zeus was full-grown he forced Cronus to vomit up his siblings and led the Olympians in a ten-year way against the Titans.

                Betrayal is involved in getting the throne. Uranus being betrayed by his own flesh Kronus and same goes with Kronus who was betrayed by his own son, Zeus. What is this all for? For Power, they are all greedy to hold power in their own hands. They will do everything just to continue their reign and continue to control everything. Being greedy of power can make you do things you aren’t supposed to be doing.

                Today in our generation, society seems to be like that. Betrayal is involved to get what they want which is Power. They want the glory, the praise, the benefits of being in Power. Our world is getting cruel and cruel, because they wanted the power they will colonized a country. The more territory you get, the more powerful you are. And that is how the world works now.


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