Thursday 28 November 2019

Intramurals 2019 - Photoblog

Intramurals 2019 - Photoblog 

Joaquin Araneta (Blue Gear) manage to evade Luke Julve's (Red Gear) head kick

Lowell Abaquita of Red Falcons free throw's after a foul by the Black Panther 

Joaquin Araneta (Blue Gear) and Luke Julve (Red Gear) counterattack each other with kicks

Mark Huber from Red Falcons spikes against the Black Panther

Grade 7 and 9 cheered their friends despite the separation of teams

 Intramurals 2019 - Foam Party, one of the highlights of Intramurals Opening 2019

Rodrigo Obando from the Blue Phoenix guards Zian Angelo Sususco of Red Falcon as it approaches the ring

Chrisha Tadios from the Red Falcons guards Lorna Florita of Blue Phoenix  

NiƱa Jose's undying support to Keeshie Sampaga (Golden Lions) and Glyndel Magallanes (Blue Phoenix)

Luke Julve (Red Gear) tries to score against Joaquin Araneta (Blue Gear) using front kick

Sunday 3 November 2019

The Overthrowing of Kronus and Birth of Zeus

Nursing of infant Zeus by Amalthea and Melissa

Power is a possession of control or command over others, it gives you authority and supremacy. For the past centuries, power is the most wanted possession that a man wanted to have yet it tends to corrupt minds. They see power as a position or title, which comes with authority and control, and a belief in the form of supremacy over others. Others believe that real power comes from “inside-out.” They maintain that power is the ability of each individual to cultivate by themselves. Real power is increased within a person simply by the choices they make, the actions they take, and the thoughts they create.

                Overthrowing of kings after their reign started in Theogony of Hesiod. For some reason, they can’t accept the fact that their reign is over therefore, they do everything to make their reign continue. They kill and if only they could stop time, they will. They wanted to change what the prophecy written but a prophecy is a prophecy no matter how you wanted to change it, it will only have twist of events yet it will end up the same.

                Kronus is one of those kings who didn’t want to be overthrown and replaced by his own children. Just like Uranus, Kronus did everything he could in order to stay on his throne. A prophecy, predicted by Uranus, decreed Cronus would be overthrown by his son, to prevent this from occurring Cronus swallowed each of his children; Demeter, Hestia, Hera, Hades and Zeus, as they were born. Rhea, his sister and wife, managed to save the youngest, Zeus, by hiding him away on the island of Crete and feeding Cronus a stone swaddled in cloth. When Zeus was full-grown he forced Cronus to vomit up his siblings and led the Olympians in a ten-year way against the Titans.

                Betrayal is involved in getting the throne. Uranus being betrayed by his own flesh Kronus and same goes with Kronus who was betrayed by his own son, Zeus. What is this all for? For Power, they are all greedy to hold power in their own hands. They will do everything just to continue their reign and continue to control everything. Being greedy of power can make you do things you aren’t supposed to be doing.

                Today in our generation, society seems to be like that. Betrayal is involved to get what they want which is Power. They want the glory, the praise, the benefits of being in Power. Our world is getting cruel and cruel, because they wanted the power they will colonized a country. The more territory you get, the more powerful you are. And that is how the world works now.


Judgement of Paris

The Three Goddess with the Golden Apple of Discord from jcogtas

Judgement, we can’t deny the fact that we sometimes mistakenly judge someone with the things that our eyes see, with the things we hear and the things that the society spreads. The word is very powerful it can make you or it can break you. People wanted the title and the praise that the society will give so they can be glorified and of course the popularity. It may have positive result yet in the other side of the coin, the people who feels good about judging others and didn’t notice that the one they are judging wrongly are in pain. Being wrongly judge and accuse of a trait you do not possessed may lead you to a broken reputation.

            The Judgement of Paris was ultimately a beauty contest between the goddesses Aphrodite, Hera and Athena, but the cause of the beauty contest was due to events at a wedding. The wedding of Peleus and Thetis was a joyous event and all of the gods and goddesses of the Greek pantheon were invited to the celebration, that was all the deities were invited except Eris, the Goddess of Discord. When Eris discovered that the festivities were going on, the goddess decided to make an appearance anyway, and the goddess even brought a wedding gift, a Golden Apple. This though was not a happy gift, for it was aimed to bring forth arguments, for upon it was written the words “for the fairest”. Three of the assembled goddesses immediately claimed the Golden Apple for themselves, each believing that they were the most beautiful of all the goddesses. Zeus was asked to mediate and he commanded Hermes to lead the three goddesses to Paris of Troy to decide the issue. The three goddesses appearing before the shepherd prince, each offering him gifts for favour. He chose Aphrodite, swayed by her promise to bestow upon him Helene, the most beautiful woman, for wife.
            As Paris chooses Aphrodite, I personally think that he chooses her as the fairest of them all because of the gift. He was blinded by the bribe that Aphrodite presented, the most beautiful woman to be his wife. It was not Aphrodite who won, it was the gift who won the Golden Apple which is entitled with “To the Fairest.”

“Little things make big thing happen” the quote presented described what happened to the Trojan War. With just that golden apple and the sensitivity of Aphrodite a war commences, as well as the selfishness that Paris showed, the subsequent abduction of Helene led directly to the Trojan War and the fall of the city. All of those aren’t worthy for a 10-year war, too greedy for power, too greedy for praise. It is all because of the trait and the title they want to possessed, just like the society today. They are willing to do anything just to make the favour theirs.

Trojan War

Picture by: Britannica Encyclopedia

War is a very dangerous and traumatic event that could happen in someone’s life. It can cause a trauma, pain, and sadness to every people who happened to experience the life during war. It may be dangerous yet you can actually learn something from it, you can learn how to appreciate life. If you happen to be a soldier, the painful time to realize how good life is, is when you got hit by the bullet.  Flashbacks are coming into your mind and you’ll remember every single detail of the time you spent it with your love ones. The laugh, the joy, the happiness you felt will come back. You will learn how to be courageous, to think fast, and to move fast because you are currently in the field of war wherein this kind of skills and personality is needed. If you happened to be the family and the society, all of us will learn how to appreciate them, for they fought hard for us, for our safety, and for the country. In war itself, we will learn how to be courageous, since there is no exception. There are only two ways to stop dwelling because of war. It’s either you can get killed literally or you’ll get killed by the pain emotionally.

               The story of the Trojan War is the Bronze Age conflict between the kingdoms of Troy and Mycenaean Greece that shakes the history and mythology of Ancient Greece. Trojan War is a war that was never forgotten by many. It is the war that made a mark on lots of literature books. The Trojan War do involves creatures that we couldn’t imagine existing. It has events that could make people think if this is really true or just a pure imagination of the writer himself, Homer.  

               As of today, archaeologists are investigating where could this war have took place and they have already uncovered increasing evidence about the kingdom. According to Near Eastern Archaeology, The German archaeologist Heinrich Schliemann uncovered a site, known as Hisarlik, which many experts believed that this is the well-known city of Troy. The city discovered is clearly destroyed during the Bronze Age War.  In that case, we can really say that the Trojan War may happen yet it may not be like how Homer described it on his stories. Due to lack of evidence at Hisarlik, experts and archaeologists continue to think whether or not the Trojan War took place. There may be events that are similar but we can actually tell that he uses real places for his story if experts will find a better evidence to make it believable.

               What I learn after knowing the story of Trojan War, I learned that be careful of the gift that the gods and goddesses blessed you. Just like what happened to Paris, for the goddess Aphrodite bears his desire he wasn’t able to think about the consequence of his choice. A war commence because of a piece of apple. Other than that, I learned how to control everything around me since I believe that small things can be turned into something big. I learned how to be wise in decision making, to think about the consequence first before deciding, to think about the people surrounding me before taking up an action. Because we don’t know your decision can cause a 10 year war, just like what happened to Paris.

               The story of Trojan War, started when Helen of Troy was abducted due to Judgement of Paris wherein he chooses to be with the most beautiful woman in the world. Can a woman be the reason for war to commence? That is a question that popped out in my mind when I found out and read the story.

The story Trojan War taught us that “Big things started and comes from small actions” and this quote can be the best quote to describe what happened to the Trojan War. It may not be real yet it teaches us great values and lessons that we could bring on as we grow old. Some of us comes to realizations that even the goddess can’t be everyone’s favorite, and that opens me the thought about coating myself with what the others want me to be can still make people hate me, I come to realizations that I rather be myself that to coat it with the others want to see. And I believe that this is the most beautiful thing that this story had taught me. Other than that, I conclude that war can never be an answer to conflicts.