Saturday, 18 November 2017

       Cats are said to be "independent" it contains facts and truth but based on my source dogs are much more trustworthy and less you depression risk than cats. Many people prefer dogs since they can be a house guard and can be your buddy, they may not be easy to be care of atleast they will make your day complete due to their cuteness.

       Dogs can help you to have better health and get more exercise. Dogs need a 30 or 60 minute walk a day and because of that the dog owner will also get an walk that lessen the risk of having heart attack. Base on vet street, petting a dog lowers heart rate and blood pressure too. 

       Dog owners are happier. Dogs can help you less like to suffer from depression. A girl named Kathryn Oda suffered depression since she was 14 years old she was finding solution how to treat her anxiety and depression she takes anti-depressants and tried everything but everyday she still have depression within her it was her life for 10 years but it all changed when she read a article about how dogs were able to help people with depression and then she decided to get her dog named Buddy she bring buddy home but it wasn't that simple and that easy, she wakes up with the same feeling again but Buddy started to jump all over her, kissing her and as if telling her that its time to go outside as if Buddy is telling her that "It's no time to be sad, the world is awesome!" and for the first time of her life she went outside with depression and anxiety was present full force and then she realized that it was life changing, she recovered from her depression and was so thankful about it. Since dogs are very playful which make your attention or divert your attention to him//her. From what I have read in my source which is mental floss the interaction with and love received from a dog, can also help people stay positive even the mere act of looking at your dog or pet increase the "feel good" or oxytocin chemical in the brain and it can also help you get less stress at work or school.

         Dogs can help you in times of trouble. A site named Dog Guide has these various stories about dog who saved their owners life. If dog will not bark as loud as it could maybe you might get hurt or their life might put into risk. Dogs are life savers, they may be annoying because of their loud barks but we do know and also based on the facts I have read in a site vet street they bark if there's something wrong or if they need something.